Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance contrasts with term life insurance in that it provides protection for life to age 100 and beyond. For those looking for lifelong protection or are worried about outliving a term life policy, permanent life insurance can be the solution.

There are a number of advantages to permanent life policies:

  • Guaranteed protection up to age 100 or for life.

  • Guaranteed issue as well as no medical policies provide coverage with no medical exam.

  • Payouts that cover your final expenses and provide beneficiaries with a lump sum after you pass.

  • Choice of locked-in premiums that never increase.

  • Choice of lifetime coverage that never expires.

  • For business owners, provides financial protection for your business after you pass.

Policy Feature Permanent Term
Guaranteed payout up to age 100 or guaranteed lifetime coverage check-icon
No expiration of policy prior to age 100 check-icon
Choice of guaranteed fixed premiums throughout the duration of life check-icon check-icon
Choice of renewable premiums in return for cheaper short-term rates check-icon check-icon
Covers long-term needs check-icon
Covers short-term needs check-icon

Term to Age 100 Life Insurance

At Specialty Life, one type of permanent life insurance we specialize in is Term 100 policies.

Term 100 life insurance is the simplest, most affordable form of permanent life insurance that offers you straightforward coverage that never expires - meaning zero risk of outliving your policy.

And unlike other shorter-term policies, you can be assured that your premiums will never increase. The affordable premiums that you pay today will be locked in for life - regardless of future health or inflation.

Excelsior Plan

Our Excelsior plan is designed for anyone who has been denied or rated for other life insurance products elsewhere.

Whether you have preexisting health issues or risks that make you difficult to insure, our Excelsior plan is guaranteed issue with no medical exams.

This plan provides lifetime coverage with premiums that are guaranteed to never increase.

Specialty Life works with leading Canadian insurers in order to provide you with a wide array of affordable life insurance options. Whether you need coverage for long or short-term needs, we can help you find your ideal insurance plan at a price you are comfortable with. Apply for a quote now and discover your options.
